
HAD A SPARK WHEN U STARTED...Sega: Dreamcast [1999-2001]

In 1997, the Saturn was struggling in North America, and Sega of America president
Bernie Stolar pressed for Sega's Japanese headquarters to develop a new platform
which eventually became the Dreamcast.

At the 1997 E3, Stolar made public his opinion on the Saturn with his comment:
"The Saturn is not our future" and referred to the doomed console as "the stillbirth".


And the Sega Saturn actually had a longer run![1994-98]

How uber ironic is that? Lolz.

I bought a Dreamcast for only one reason, and that was at a chance to play Resident Evil: Code Veronica.

Oh, plus Shenmue and PowerStone. And let's not forget Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Or Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.
Those are my favs still to this very day.

I remember staying up late playing RE:CV and Shenmue, like there was no tomorrow.
The Dreamcast served me well in those times.

Now, my Dreamcast is but a mere doorstop/paperweight.

Thank You Sega, for giving up.


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